Friday, October 28, 2005

i'm not even THINKIN about my day care problems right now

well, the day care situation is pretty much shot to shit (sorry mom, i don't usually swear). nicole isn't working out....the center forgot to tell me they decided to cancel weekends.....but alas there are more pressing matters right now.

i am going to let mommy tell the story because she tells it better than i do and i am sooooooo weak..........(uh hek uh hek)

i will try to leave the drama out of it and stick to the facts. so last night donovan has a temp of 102.4. well, that is high and i don't like it, but okay, we will keep an eye on things. this morning early it was 100.1--hooray---then at around 11:30 it went up to 103.0!!!!!!!!!!!! of course, i called the pediatrician right away and gave ibuprofen. he gets diagnosed with red ears, which i think is the medical term for an ear infection, so we are ordered antibiotics (ah yes, it begins.....antibiotics with no culture, brilliant altho--how do they culture ears, maybe they can't ok, i'll let it go). of course we get them filled.

well, i decided to take myself to the urgent care because although i had thought i was getting better from my 2 week "cold" even though i myself had a course of antibiotics and even a week of steroids. neither seemed to help at all, i thought i would just get better with time. anyways, today i felt a lot worse than i had the past 2 weeks. i just felt awful....and this is after 2 weeks of this crap. so off we go to the medac, the urgent care chain store around here. turns out i have a temp of 101.6 and low and behold: pneumonia! so i am given antibiotics--levaquin-- (i had a chest x ray to confirm the pneumonia) and a puffer. and of course, a note to stay out of work for the weekend. i am sure this antibiotic will help pretty quick, because it is the strongest pill out there, really. if i am not significantly better by monday, IV antibiotics are the next course. i promise you, these will help, oooh. i had better get some yogurt for myself. i don't need to add a, ok, well, never mind. these are strong meds and they will wipe out the good and the bad germs!

oh, but this story isn't over! we get home, and d. is clearly burning up. try 105.1 yes, that is not a typo: 105.1 so watch mommy the nurse freak out. i shove more motrin down his gullet (THAT was a battle) and his first dose of amoxicillin. with all the wonders of medical science, do you think they could make an antibiotic for a baby not smell (and i am sure, taste) like friggin athletes foot on a dead pig? hmmmm, where did i get that? i am getting dramatic? it stinks man, whaddya want?! and then i call vitalink, our local on call talk-to-a-nurse number to see if i should take him to the er. she had me give him a tepid bath, keep him cool for 30 minutes and recheck his temp. it went down to 102.9. weird that i am happy about 102.9 i also was intructed in the appropriate doses for both motrin and tylenol. turns out i have been under dosing him, but the packages give you such a wide range. of course, he is in the children's meds because he is over 26 pounds now. i give him all kinds of things that say "talk to a doctor before giving to children under 2". of course, i always ask. i wish all medicine--and all clothes come to think of it--would just not do the whole age thing and do everything by weight.

okeedoke then. i really wish there was someone here to help. i hate to sound like a baby. i know things have been off to a rocky start with keith leaving, but i am also confident that they will work out and be fine. we will find better child care....everything will be okay. this weekend, however, i guess i am feeling a little babyish and wishing for someone to just...i don't know. be here. clean my house. help me chase around donovan who as soon as his temp goes below 103 seems to be ready to get into everything (except eating and drinking). well, it is almost 8 pm and honestly, i am just spent, so i am going to bed. the baby is asleep and i am afraid that he WILL sleep all night (and spike again) and i am afraid he WON'T sleep all night, for obviousl reasons. okeedoke then. not looking for pity, just needed to get this all out.

PS all this on the night of the halloween party where he is supposed to be a CHICKEN! i was so looking forward to it!


ren said...

oof. this is not so good but i can tell you that i survived a few 105° days as a kid with no real...well...look, i'm a nice person, even if i am a little slow. get lots of rest, drink your fluids. i'm sorry.

Jodi said...

I don't think it's too much to wish for when asking for a little help, I mean you do have PNEUMONIA! Take care, as best you can, so you don't end up sicker. Long distance virtual hugs (while wearing a TB grade mask) from me.

Anonymous said...

My name is Chris Brown and i would like to show you my personal experience with Levaquin.

I am 50 years old. Have been on Levaquin for 21 days now. Started feeling achilles tendon pain 5 days after starting levaquin. Physician and pharmacy NEVER provided information about this side effect, as the prescribing information states they should. I never made the connection that an antibiotic could cause this side effect so I finished the regimen. Six months later, including three months of physical therapy, walking better, though still feel occassional pain. Fault is with physician and pharmacist. Levaquin is an important drug for fighting infections, but should be prescribed second line. There are other proven options to try first. Indiscriminate use by physicians is causing needless side effects and dramtically increasing resistance problems.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Achilles tendon damage, wrist pain

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Chris Brown