Saturday, April 21, 2007

lorri rocks!

today was a great day! first i went to the roller skating rink to a birthday party and that was so cool! i got right in the skates and i wasn't afraid. i fell a few times but i got up all by myself with no help. i can't wait to do it again. i am very good at it. they even played an abba song, and you know how i love the abba. mommy didn't know they still had skating rinks

then, i decided not to take a nap today so that added a bit more fun to my day (i am starting to reconsider this whole 'nap' thing). we didn't go to the neighborhood pig pickin' today.

and THEN mommy and dad took me to a big people party down the street. we got to yell "surprise" which was fun. there were 2 dogs in there, and i didn't like that very much, but it was a fun party. there were some boys there that i played with. one of the boys, a big boy, a 5 year old said "he's looks like a baby but he talks. he's a talking baby" and then he let me play with him. i know i am articulate for my age, and somewhat precocious, but i still like to tackle. and kick the soccer ball. lorri, one of my neighbors said she would "sugar me up" with m&m's any time i wanted to come over and then send me home. then she tought me how to say "lorri rocks" before we left. i like mrs. lorri. and i think it was kind of her to offer me m&ms.

i am very very exhausted now. i asked my mom what would happen if i drank a cold beer (i don't know why she thought that was funny). she said i would get sick and she would get in trouble.

i did have a bit of a melt down yesterday. it was my first category 5 in public. i threw a train in the book store and then hit mom, so mom picked my naughty self right up and carried my ass right outa there. it was quite a scene getting me out of there. this is what mommy doesn't understand: i wanted to stay in the book store (they have a really nice thomas set in the kid's section). if she just put me down and let me play, i wouldn't have wiggled and screeched like i did. i wouldn't even let her put me in my car seat. i was soo soo sooo mad. i begged her to let me go back into the bookstore, i promised i would behave. i screeched and jumped around the back seat of the car and mom just sat there NOT taking me back in to the store. i coudn't believe it. i kept saying i would behave and she kept saying "i know you will, honey, the next time we come" but i meant i would behave NOW. i am not sure i have ever been so mad at that woman. finally i calmed down and got in my seat and we went home.

well, she made up for it today. today was a great day.

Friday, April 20, 2007

my first interview, from auntie karen who i love and miss

Five questions for Donovan:

1. What do you say when your mama has finished giving
you a bath?

Thank You! GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!

2. I know you like music, do you have a favorite song
or cd?

that's hard...there are so many....mamma mia...shakira....old skool rap....but i will go with dog train.

3. You seem to really like trains. Do you have a
favorite train?

usually it's thomas, but sometimes the caboose.

4. Why is that your favorite train?

because he's bleeeue and my fray-end and he goes "chugga-chugga cheeeooo cheeeooo"

5. It’s pretty early to decide but what do you think
you might like to do when you grow up?

i want to be a nurse and give people shots and make them feel better. a doctor nurse.

Follow your answers with the sentences below:

If you want to be interviewed by me, please leave me a
comment or send an email saying: "Interview me." (or
the like).

* I will respond by asking you five questions. I
get to pick the questions.
* You will update your weblog with the answers to
the questions.
* You will include this explanation and an offer
to interview someone else in the same post.
* Then others comment asking to be interviewed,
you will ask them five questions and so on.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Thank you! GOOD NIGHT!

phew! what a whirlwind of a long weekend! finally i got to spend time with my wonderful auntie karen! we hung out and went to the street fair and i sung songs for her (serenading if you want the truth) and shopping and to a bookstore (where she bought me not one, but TWO books--one that came with a roller!). we had so much fun. i have been asking for her all day. i hope she comes back tomorrow when the green light comes on because i love her so much and tomorrow when the green light comes on auntie karen can come back from california and play with me and help me put my tracks together and we can go in my backyard and roll the roller on the dirt. and then i can go to kids at play and monkey joe's and fit for fun.

i just couldn't stop thinking about my auntie karen today. i even kind of, well, got in a little trouble at school today. got sent to the office even. it's just that i wasn't tired at nap time today so i wasn't napping because i was hoping auntie karen was going to come and i guess i wasn't being quiet today either (i had a story to tell the kid next to me on the mats about belly's dancing --i overheard my mom talking about it) so i guess i got sent to the office so the other kids could nap. how could they nap with all the cool stuff i had to tell them?! wussies.

mommy said i should mention in this blog that a lot of mommies and daddies and kids are very sad in virginia today. i want to go to virginia and hug them and love them and make them feeeeeeel better so they won't cry. i bet karen would take me to those sad mommies and daddies and other kids so i can make them feeeeel better. i want to say "don't cry" i will make you feeel better but mommy said that it is okay to cry but we can still hug them in our dreams. once i figure out where dreams are,i will do that.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

isn't she the lady who went to a tofu festival?

so, i am so excited. auntie karen is coming for a visit. she is the one who took pictures of me eating ribs. i hope i can sleep tonight. all day it was "is auntie karen on the plane from california?" i was also asking what would happen if auntie karen takes off her socks, would she have lots of feet and toes? and mommy said that yes, she would.

i admit, i get concerned at times what would happen if a grampire were to ring the doorbell, and come into my house and come into my room. mommy asks me what a grampire looks like and i told her he looked like a count. i worry about these things. and also about the dog next door. he is loud. but i am not really a worrier in general.

mommy and daddy let me grind coffee beans. sometimes they are nice that way. and they are teaching me how to dust, which is super fun. and garden.

so far, we have planted flowers that might have died, broccoli, cauliflower, strawberries, some herbs and some blueberries. but i don't see any blueberries. soon, we will plant tomatoes, cukes, peppers and some other stuff. these are all baby plants and i can't walk on them or drive my trucks on them. i am very careful when i drive my trucks thru the garden. i like to help mom water. that is the funnest. we have a fence now, so i can't run away into the front yard or the street when we are in the back. we had to get the fence for mommy. daddy can run and chase after me. mommy can't. she just yells and me to stop (rrriiiiiiiiiiiight....that works) and walks kind of fast.i don't know what is funner. watering plants or running away from mommy when she can't chase me.

well, as soon as the green light comes on, i get to see karen. i am sure she is an early riser, like me!

Sunday, April 01, 2007


i would just like to say for the record that i am not a big fan of mom shouting to the world when i make comments about my boy parts. seriously. how many cute posts has she made about me referenceing my elbow? some day someone is going to google my name when i am applying for a job and i don't need this. these are private moments and i never signed up to be on a reality show for the world to snicker at. hey mom, did you tell everyone how i pretended to listen to your heart because i was being a doctor? no? why? because it didn't involve my bits? god mom, sometimes you are so sophomoric. so there.