Saturday, February 03, 2007

a little catch up post

well, it certainly has been too long isn't it? christmas (or KISSmas as we like to say in my family) is long gone.....i have done and experienced some amazing wonderful how the hell am i going to remember it all.......

i got every toy ever created for kissmas. thomas elmo doll that can move as much as a person...a sit and spin...clothes....just everything. it was really freakin fun.

auntie karen and jim came for a visit and they brought more presents. karen brings very cool presents and i really like her alot. i wish they didn't leave. we went out to eat ribs, which i loved. mommy calls them dinosaur bones. she has a lot of strange names for regular food. it is all to try to get me to eat it. it usually works. who wouldn't eat vampire chili? or gobble gobble stew? you just can't pass up, i'm telling ya.

me and daddy went on a trip without mommy. we went to florida to see gramma and papa, auntie kendra and my cousins. it was fun. and you could hardly tell mommy wan't there because she called on the phone often. really really really often. i had a great time with daddy. we went to the beach and did all kinds of fun stuff.

mommy wants me to post some of the more clever things i say, but as a fluent talker, really, there just isn't any point. i am clever. i say clever things. big whoop. they have been telling me since one i was a genius. yet they remain surprised each time i say something smart.

i am really into singing these days and i am very good at it. i am also into 2 movies. i mean BIG time. "cars" and "toy story." i have the "toy story" book and i have 2 pages (at least) that i have completely memorized and recite often, including "woody scoffed" and "buzz said smugly" i have 2 potty books and one i have completely memorized so that when we sit on the potty, i can recite the right things on the right pages so that it truly looks like i am reading it. i am still really into my trains also. i go pee pee in the potty almost every day, before my bath. mommy and daddy say it isn't time for me to get potty trained yet, they just let me do it for fun at night. of course, last night i peed on my train tracks and crapped in the tub, which i guess is not what they want me to do, but don't tell anyone, okay?

i hardly ever use a sippy cup any more, my crib has been taken apart and put upstairs and i can open almost every door in the house. i can also move furniture (like chairs and toy boxes) to high places i want to go so i can reach the things i want that mommy doesn't want me to have like medicine, and steak knives. mostly i am trying to get at my vitamines, but you know, i'll take what i can get. i can also fake burp and fake snore. today i am getting my second hair cut and i got a new pair of shoes. there were a total of 3 pair of shoes i could choose from in the whole stride rite beause of my big ol' feet. one was ugly, the other one tied and it didn't really matter what the last pair looked like because those were my only choices! well, i will try to post more often, because i have really left out a lot of suer duper cool stuff.