Thursday, October 13, 2005


well, daddy left today. off to california he is, to make some money. mommy had to read my story and i don't think she did as good a job as daddy. and my hiney hurts a lot. i have a bad rash. damn it. i miss my dad. we went to cracker barrel this morning to take daddy out for breakfast and i ate all mommy's grits and half of her eggs and then she ordered another egg for me. i love grits and eggs!

i also figured out the sign for "i love you" when i was eating my sweet potatoes (which i love). mommy was all excited. i don't actually know what "i love you" means, but i keep doing it because she gets all excited. i also can kind of say hummus (she says that around lunch time, i don't know what that is, but she likes it when i say it) and i can also put my hand down and say "DONE!" when i am eating. i don't know what that means either, so i make sure i open my mouth after i say it so mommy doesn't think i want to stop eating.

i wish mommy would just feed me the crap from the jars for dinner. i don't want her damn fruity chicken with carrots surprise (and i made that abundadntly clear) with freaking QUINOA! give me the jarred stuff. i know she is packing me that chicken crap for school this weekend, but if she is smart she will put a jar of something as a back up.

i love all my breakfast foods. i love all my lunch foods (i had tuna today for the first time, which was good). i don't know why that woman can't get dinner right. well, i will just have to keep explaining it until she gets it.

i went to the big kid park today. it was too crowded.

so, this is the first weekend that i will be in school mommy's whole work shift friday AND saturday AND sunday. mommy is not happy about it and i don't know if i am either. the babysitter's MOM is picking me up from school and i never even met her (that'll go over like a fart in church at the center----"which one is he....") because the babysitter has CHOIR practice. this is the first time for the baby sitter....the first time without mommy for 14 hours. will the sitter give me my bath? how will i get my bath on saturday? on sunday?????? i am getting too upset. i think i am going to have to go now.


Jodi said...

Hey Donovan,

I didn't know you had one of these blog-like things like nme and Aunty Karen. Cool! I'll put a link it yours on my page.

Hang in there while your daddy's gone. I don't really know what to say to make you and your mommy feel better, because to me it sucks too. I'm sure you'll adjust though.

Your mommy told me you are a little too...all week long...ick. Feel better soon, little buddy!

ren said...

hey little d. i am sorry about your rash but i can't believe that your mommy wouldn't tell me that you had a blog! boy, she must be mean! but you know what? i have had her cooking and i think you better give that fruity chicken another try. she's a damn good cook!

p.s. doesn't it look like little worms got in your quoina? yuk!

Conor said...

Hi Dony-

Speaking from experience, daycare can be pretty fun. Sure, you miss Mommy and Daddy, but you get to play with lots of toys that you don't have at home!! Make sure to keep telling Auntie Steph what doesn't taste good so my Mommy won't copy her recipes, ok? Thanks buddy!