Monday, July 10, 2006

shoes and poos

my feet suddenly got bigger. all of a sudden my sandals won't close. mamma took me to that bitchin' store stride rite where i got measured and i got some biiiiiiiiiiig feet (huh huh--big feet). they actually had neakers AND sandals that fit my big ol' feet. i LOVE shoe stores! i let the guy measure my feet, then i let him put the shoes on me and then i ran around the store. i saw some wicked cool neakers with pink flowers and pink laces and lit up and i wanted those but mom said no. i said please and did the sign for please and even said pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaase real real long like that and she still said no. have i told you before how mean my mom is? but seriously. i really really liked the shoe store. i haven't been in a shoe store since last november, and i was a little kid back then. so i didn't know how cool it was.

today i let mom know i had poop. in a couple ways, one way i don't think mom was happy about, but still, my communication skills are improving and i am starting to know when i have caca in my diaper. yesterday i went to someone's house and there were little kids running around NEKKID. mom let me run around outside in my diaper but she wouldn't let me go around totally naked. one naked kid pooped on the step and then danced around in it. altho the other grown-ups reacted quickly, and cleaned up, no one seemed to have the same look as mom. it was like she was surprised or something but was trying to act like it was no big deal, like she sees kids dance in their poo all the time. me and mom had a really good time even with the poo incident. i liked being around other kids---bigger and littler and mom liked being around other grown-ups. we ate yummy food and visited and it was fun.

we went to the pool today--me and mom. and yesterday i went to the pool with miss megan and the day before that i went to jungle rapids with tiffani and sam and jumped in the bouncy thing and was there for HOURS. i had to get out of the house---mom was driving me crazy with all the "i have to unpack" business. so, finally, i was like "i have GOT to get out of here and get some SPACE" and i prayed mom would at least unpack the kitchen while i was gone, which she did.tomorow i am going to hang out with tiff, who i am going to marry.


Jodi said...

So, you really liked those pink, flowery shoes, eh? This may be easier than I thought.

Here's a link to photos of another Donovan.

ren said...

i will buy you those shoes, sweetie. i promise.

and tell your mama...HILLBILLY!!! nekkid babies dancing in poo? HILLBILLIES!!

Unknown said...

You can choose Timberland shoes..coz there are shoes with comfy in size and everything....

Unknown said...

You can choose Timberland shoes..coz there are shoes with comfy in size and everything....