Wednesday, July 26, 2006

mommy post

well, it's official. donovan is always bragging about his vocabulary and his ability to say new things. i knew there would come a day--and i knew it would be soon--when i had to start watching my mouth. you know. little pitchers and all that shit---ooops, i mean stuff. that day is today (dum DUM DUUUUUUUMMMMMM)

so today, he dumps over his bowl of cottage cheese. so i say (as per usual) "dammit donovan!" and clean it up. well, he decides that now is a good time to day dammit. over and over, of course. "dammit dammit dammit dammit" ha ha. then, when i was relaying the story to someone on the phone, he started jumping around saying "dammit dammit"

okay. so mommy gets to wash her mouth out.

then. well, this is kind of funny. he comes up to me and said "got poops" which is what he has been saying lately, which he may have told you makes me very happy because even though i am in no hurry to potty train per se, certainly recognizing caca in the pants is a good first step in the process. so, i looked down his drawers and saw no poop. so i said, "no poop. you must have just farted" so what do you think the big d says? "no poop. just fart" and let me tell you he said "fart" like a pro. he got that "efff" sound very clear and, unlike most little-kid words, the "r" sound was quite distinct as well. "fffaarrrrrt" so much of what he says is clear only in context or if you know him well. not this time. clear as a bell. no poop, just fart.

now i am not advocating in teaching the young ones to swear. i don't even want to imply that i think it is cute. we will certianly nip this. but, all firsts are worth mentioning and i am sorry---call cps for my thinking it's funny, but dammit---er--i mean, darn it all---it was funny.


Jodi said...

Reminds me of my mom's best friend's kid opening the door to greet their preacher and exclaiming, "I'm a little shithead!" It happened!

I went to my neighbor/substitute grandpa and asked "Is s-h-i-t (spelling) a bad word?" He was shocked as he could not fathom where I'd heard such a thing!

Conor said...

Well, Donovan, I can only hope that I will be able to use big bad words someday. Mommy has been working very hard to make sure that I do not re-name Daddy "that motherf***er" because she says it would be inappropriate. Funny but inappropriate.

Conor said...

Mommy just told me that you, Auntie Steph, taught HER how to swear when you were kids. You even told her to say "s-h-i-t" over and over to your mom!! (and like the gullible but loveable gal she is, she did it. And got in trouble.)