Wednesday, February 01, 2006

getting to know you....

today i wouldn't eat the frittata mom made for dinner because i am a pain in the butt. mom has decided she is not offering me 6 different things if i am in a picky mood so she just said "never mind, don't eat, you won't starve" man i HATE it when she calls my bluff. so i started grabbing at the "ba" (which is the boobs to the uninitiated) because, well, i was hungry. so she fed me yogurt and penne pasta (i can say pasta by the way) while watching my baby eintein video. she said not to get in the habit of this eating in front of the t.v. business, but i don't know, i found it to be enjoyable and efficient.

here are some of the words i can say: pasta, up, down, off, on (off and on are the same word but mom knows which one i mean) ball, watch, bubbles, lasagna, bye-bye, mamma and dadda of course, monkey (mot-mot), outside (na-na), pen, bath, blocks (very reminscent of "ball"), broccoli (well, sort of), bike (also very much like ball). box, (also sounds like ball). strangely enough i cannot utter the word "no" altho i can shake my head. i can sort of say "buckle" (as in what straps me into the car seat), hair, and of course, vacuum (which sounds like pffffft). oh, and "all done" and "what's that"...potato (sort of) and i can't think of any other words. i copy a lot of what mom says. as i have said before, since i am such a busy person, i rarely actually finish the word. but, if i say the first part and you know what i mean, why waste time finishing the words, right? i am an effcient boy.

my auntie karen said i had to answer a questionaire in my blog. it is pretty dumb, but i will do it:

1. What color are your kitchen plates? i have bowls. plastic. red ones, blue ones green ones, purple ones
> > 2. What book are you reading now? "barnyard dance" by sandra boynton

> > 3. What's on your mouse pad? i don't understand......
> > 4. What's your favorite board game? i have board books that have flaps. that's like a board game.

> > 5. Favorite magazine? the ones that are more like newsprint are easier to chew than the heavy shiny paged ones. i am afraid of cutting my lip on the shiny ones, so i will say the newprint kind

> > 6. Favorite smell? mommy's ba
> > 7. Least favorite smell? the bubbles i make in the tub
> > 8. What's the first thing you think of in the morning? oh god where is my mommy? is she ever going to come get me?!?!?! MOMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYY

> > 9. Favorite color?definitely yellow
>> 10. Least favorite color? i don't like the yellow bath crayon because i can hardly see it when i draw in the tub. so, yellow.
> > 11. How many rings before you answer the phone? i can't count. but i CAN use my own hand as a phone, which makes it very convenient for making calls. i don't get too many tho on it...

> > 12. Future children's names? mot mot and mamma!

> > 13 Favorite alcoholic drink? >i have been trying to get at my dad's beer my whole freaking life.
> > 14 What is your sign and birthday? september 20. i know the sign for refridgerator and i love you.
> > 15. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? no. i don't spit them out tho. i just open my mouth and let them fall out. spitting is rude.

> > 16. If you could have any job what would it be? breast pump

> > 17. If you could have any color hair what would it be? yes, i'd love a hair color

> 18. Is the glass half full or half empty ? it depends if ican reach it or not! if i can reach it it will be ALL empy in a minute

> >
> > 19. Favorite movie? altho i like several of the baby eintein series, baby beethoven, is really a timeless classic

> > 20. Do you type with the right fingers on the keys? yes. i do everything right. i am a genius. mommy says so.

> > 21. What's under your bed? what do you mean under my bed? is that where momsters are?

> > 22. What is your favorite number? that is a dumb-ass question
> > 23. What is your single biggest fear? well, it WAS that mommy wouldn't come get me in the morning, but now you got me thinking about what could be under the bed....

> > 24. Person(s) most likely to respond? to what?
> > 25. Person(s) most likely not to respond? i don't' understand
> > 26. Favorite song? bringing home my baby bumbebee
> > 27. Favorite TV show? the today show because people clap for me
> > 28. Ketchup or mustard? neither
> > 30. Favorite soft drink? whole milk
> >
> > 31. The best place you have ever been? under mommy's shirt
> > 32. Favorite High School Subject? i like going outside and climbing in school
> >
> > 33. What screen saver is on your computer right now? i can say computer: k-pa k-pa

> > 34. Burger king or McDonald's? i saw burger king playing football on tv
> >
> > 35. Favorite pet: rambo hisses at me and cleo lets me pet her and kiss her, so cleo.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Dude, have you learned the word "cup" yet? I think you're getting old enough.