Wednesday, January 25, 2006

i told you i eat toilet paper


well, i guess i must not have had enough of the delicious dinner mommy made for me. i had salmon, that i picked up with my fingers (this is some good stuff yo) and then mommy put spinach, rice, and a little quinoa and pine nuts (anything for a little extra iron) in the food processor and yes, i ate it by myself with a spoon and it was also very delicious. mom was glad i liked it because i am getting pickier about what i eat these days. i thought ravioli was better as hair ornamentation yesterday than dinner.

toilet paper is still the best dessert tho.

i have 4 teeth coming in right now including 3 molars but i am not cranky about it.

yesterday i bit and hit mommy and now she says she has to buy a book on disciplining toddlers. jeez...does she buy a book for everything? i think so. and at school i pinched a kid who (USED TO) takes toys from me. i will be graduating soon to the big kids class. the teachers assured mommy i was not becoming an aggresive kid and this was normal baaehavior but mom is not happy about it. well, she'll buy a book and make me perfect. riiiiiiiiiiiiiight hooo hooo hooo ha ha ha haaaa

1 comment:

Conor said...

You gotta tell me, man, how do you keep from choking on the toilet paper? When I put paper in my mouth, it just becomes a soggy mess and I choke and then Mommy sighs and sticks her fingers in my mouth to get it out. (Apparently, I just don't learn.)