Saturday, February 11, 2006

i can write in my sleep

well, i woke up a little early this morning and who came to get me out of my crib? DA-DA!!!!!!!!!! by the time mommy came out of the shower, i had fallen back fast asleep on daddy's chest in the bed. mommy came out of the shower and saw and i think she said it was the most beautiful thing she ever saw. mmmmm. snuggly warm daddy who i missed so much......i love sleeping on you........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Jodi said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you and your mommy! Tell your daddy hi for me and that I'm sorry we couldn't see him while he was in town.

I hope you're feeling better!

ren said...

YAY! next time YOU should come here and your daddy can stay at home!