Tuesday, February 28, 2006

bye bye boobs

the computer is fixed.....aaaaaaaah.

well, mom and dad took me in the car for about 10000 hours to go to florida to see the grandparents and the greats. and some other relatives and neighbors too. but you know what the coolest thing about it was? i ate alligator. deep fried, but alligator nonetheless. and i liked it.

also, i am putting together complex thoughts. mom is not letting me nurse much any more (maybe 3 times in 2 weeks---how mean), so now i pull out her shirt, stick my hand down there and say "bye-bye boob" i do this a lot. today, when mom was chasing me around the house trying to make me eat lunch and she FINALLY got off my back and left i said "bye-bye pasta" see how smart i am????

i can say probably 30 or more words. yup.. genius. and yes....drinking from a sippy cup since about 8 months old. working on a regular cup.

i am really really really super duper into dada lately. since mom ain't giving up the goods (i.e. jugs), i haven't had much interest in her. i want dada to do everything. mom says things like "fine. hell with both of ya, i don't care" do you think that is true? do you think mom doesn't care about us and wants us to go to hell? i think momma should watch what she says. i am an impressionable sponge. i hear and understand everything. yes, mother, even when you say The F Word, which by the way, i think you should knock off. you say it a lot.

i really miss my babysitter Tat (mom calls her tiffani). i don't know why she doesn't come around any more. is it because my dad is here? i think i might see her tomorrow which i am very excited about. i love her very much.

well, mom's ambien must be kicking in so, i mean, um, well, i want some vegan muffins. who watched my video?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

beach pictures or....i eat sand, too!




the genius and his vibrator

i just got the coolest thing. it's this vibrating bristling thing that i put in my mouth. mom calls it an electric toothbrush. it has b'ga b'ga (balloons) on it. it is very cool. i can turn it off and on all by myself. yeah. it's awesome. my vibrator. i'm awesome.

hey jodi....i can drink from a sippy cup. does that count? it IS a cup. i can drink from a regular non sippy cup, but i usually choke on whatever i drink and wear most of it. i am working on it. FOR YOU, by the way. i mean, i haven't had a bottle since i was maybe 8 months old. mom is being VERY VERY VERY stingy with the boobs. i suspect it might be your fault. hmmmm.

there is also more talk about putting me a new classroom in school. i don't know. on the one hand....the kids in my class seem to be getting younger every day. some of these kids have these things they keep in their mouths that they suck on all the time. what is up with THAT? but i like the toys in my class and i love miss chastity and miss loretta....why would they try to get rid of me? i don't know. i know i am their favorite. it's stressful even thinking about it. i mean, if i am with bigger kids, what do they learn? do i have to know how to read? use the potty? it's for 18 months to 2 year olds. 2 year olds are like grown ups, right? can 2 year olds drive?

i can say balloons (b'ga b'ga)....and i am starting to be able to put multiple words together. what else can i say? onion. banana. computer. potty. broom. cheese. teeth. i still cannot say "no" which mommy finds strange. (oh i can shake my head tho) nor can i say milk, thirsty, or eat, which mom is going to try to teach me the signs for. there are more words i can say but i can't remember. i am so a genius. AM SO AM SO AM SO AM SO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

if you put me in my jail i will not sleep

haha. i love it when things mom does backfires. does that make me a bad person? mom decided to try the "time-out" method of disciplining me. when i do something naughty, she puts me someplace for a minute (oooh--a whole minute because she read that a minute a year is how long to calculate a time out. what a dork) where i have to stay. true, she tried to get me to just sit facing a wall, but i didn't listen and she couldn't enforce it. and she couldn't put me in my crib....and besides....we are downstairs most of the time.

enter my "pack & play". fits next to the couch....she can toss me in it when i am naughty (with a perfect view of the TV because mom is such a genius) and STILL not miss a minute of dr. phil.

now mom and dad are thinking about visiting people. gram and gramps in florida being the first trip on the list. hmmmmm...what will the baby sleep in? can't be MY JAIL because i associate that with being In Trouble. so, mom is trying to figure it out. i bet they end up with another pack and play in another color to try to fool me beasue they think i am dumb. HELLO---i can eat with a spoon----i am not dumb!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

i can write in my sleep

well, i woke up a little early this morning and who came to get me out of my crib? DA-DA!!!!!!!!!! by the time mommy came out of the shower, i had fallen back fast asleep on daddy's chest in the bed. mommy came out of the shower and saw and i think she said it was the most beautiful thing she ever saw. mmmmm. snuggly warm daddy who i missed so much......i love sleeping on you........mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

no title. i can't think of one

well i am sick again, dammit. i don't care if i am swearing either. besides, i asked mom about the body parts inmy diaper and she told me what they all were, so i think that qualifies me for legally being able to swear. i will go to the doctor tomorrow to see what is plaguing me this time. probably another ear infection. mom said that her friend who is a chiropractor could possibly adjust the ear infections out of me. hmmmmmm. yeah, well, we'll see. if i know my mom the fruit loop, she will try it.

daddy is coming home friday.

hip hip hooray.

Monday, February 06, 2006

noodle noodle noodle noodle

more words i forgot i could say....
uh-huh-uh-huh (as in, that's the way uh-huh i like it)
spoon (nope, not cup)
i know there are more. i am verbose. i will concede that usually it is mother who knows what i am saying. to you it might sound like gibberish.
today i said "all done bath"
daddy's coming home in 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

why did it have to be THAT sentence

well, my buddy conor has taken his first steps (yay) and i have said my first....what would you call it....complete sentence, i guess. i knew "all done"---i've known that for months. and well, i guess it is no secret that i still breast fed at 16 1/2 months (altho much less than i would like dammit).

well, now i can say "all done boobs" and put momma's shirt down. it IS developmentally significant that i put these words together so i don't care what you think about it. i am a genius. i love my mot-mot. and carrying around an old lace table runner. '
go seahawks.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

getting to know you....

today i wouldn't eat the frittata mom made for dinner because i am a pain in the butt. mom has decided she is not offering me 6 different things if i am in a picky mood so she just said "never mind, don't eat, you won't starve" man i HATE it when she calls my bluff. so i started grabbing at the "ba" (which is the boobs to the uninitiated) because, well, i was hungry. so she fed me yogurt and penne pasta (i can say pasta by the way) while watching my baby eintein video. she said not to get in the habit of this eating in front of the t.v. business, but i don't know, i found it to be enjoyable and efficient.

here are some of the words i can say: pasta, up, down, off, on (off and on are the same word but mom knows which one i mean) ball, watch, bubbles, lasagna, bye-bye, mamma and dadda of course, monkey (mot-mot), outside (na-na), pen, bath, blocks (very reminscent of "ball"), broccoli (well, sort of), bike (also very much like ball). box, (also sounds like ball). strangely enough i cannot utter the word "no" altho i can shake my head. i can sort of say "buckle" (as in what straps me into the car seat), hair, and of course, vacuum (which sounds like pffffft). oh, and "all done" and "what's that"...potato (sort of) and i can't think of any other words. i copy a lot of what mom says. as i have said before, since i am such a busy person, i rarely actually finish the word. but, if i say the first part and you know what i mean, why waste time finishing the words, right? i am an effcient boy.

my auntie karen said i had to answer a questionaire in my blog. it is pretty dumb, but i will do it:

1. What color are your kitchen plates? i have bowls. plastic. red ones, blue ones green ones, purple ones
> > 2. What book are you reading now? "barnyard dance" by sandra boynton

> > 3. What's on your mouse pad? i don't understand......
> > 4. What's your favorite board game? i have board books that have flaps. that's like a board game.

> > 5. Favorite magazine? the ones that are more like newsprint are easier to chew than the heavy shiny paged ones. i am afraid of cutting my lip on the shiny ones, so i will say the newprint kind

> > 6. Favorite smell? mommy's ba
> > 7. Least favorite smell? the bubbles i make in the tub
> > 8. What's the first thing you think of in the morning? oh god where is my mommy? is she ever going to come get me?!?!?! MOMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYY

> > 9. Favorite color?definitely yellow
>> 10. Least favorite color? i don't like the yellow bath crayon because i can hardly see it when i draw in the tub. so, yellow.
> > 11. How many rings before you answer the phone? i can't count. but i CAN use my own hand as a phone, which makes it very convenient for making calls. i don't get too many tho on it...

> > 12. Future children's names? mot mot and mamma!

> > 13 Favorite alcoholic drink? >i have been trying to get at my dad's beer my whole freaking life.
> > 14 What is your sign and birthday? september 20. i know the sign for refridgerator and i love you.
> > 15. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? no. i don't spit them out tho. i just open my mouth and let them fall out. spitting is rude.

> > 16. If you could have any job what would it be? breast pump

> > 17. If you could have any color hair what would it be? yes, i'd love a hair color

> 18. Is the glass half full or half empty ? it depends if ican reach it or not! if i can reach it it will be ALL empy in a minute

> >
> > 19. Favorite movie? altho i like several of the baby eintein series, baby beethoven, is really a timeless classic

> > 20. Do you type with the right fingers on the keys? yes. i do everything right. i am a genius. mommy says so.

> > 21. What's under your bed? what do you mean under my bed? is that where momsters are?

> > 22. What is your favorite number? that is a dumb-ass question
> > 23. What is your single biggest fear? well, it WAS that mommy wouldn't come get me in the morning, but now you got me thinking about what could be under the bed....

> > 24. Person(s) most likely to respond? to what?
> > 25. Person(s) most likely not to respond? i don't' understand
> > 26. Favorite song? bringing home my baby bumbebee
> > 27. Favorite TV show? the today show because people clap for me
> > 28. Ketchup or mustard? neither
> > 30. Favorite soft drink? whole milk
> >
> > 31. The best place you have ever been? under mommy's shirt
> > 32. Favorite High School Subject? i like going outside and climbing in school
> >
> > 33. What screen saver is on your computer right now? i can say computer: k-pa k-pa

> > 34. Burger king or McDonald's? i saw burger king playing football on tv
> >
> > 35. Favorite pet: rambo hisses at me and cleo lets me pet her and kiss her, so cleo.