Wednesday, April 02, 2008

it made sense to me

i don't know why mommy felt this was worthy of repeating, it seemed pretty straight forward to me, but, i guess you can judge for yourself.

i was eating this AWESOME lollipop one of my teachers gave me at school when i was picked up by lame old mom.

she was gabbering about lollipops not making me big and strong and full of sugar and she wishes i wouldn't eat it. i wasn't totally listening, of course, because how can you pay attention to "blah blah blah blah cavities" when you are eating a yummy lolly? duh. but something must have creeped in somewhere, because,

i said to lame old mom: my brain is telling me not to lick this lollipop

lame-o mom: but your mouth probably wants you to lick it because it is yummy in your mouth, even tho it is not good for your body

ummm--YEAH---whaddya think? so i said "i don't want to listen to my brain. i want to listen to my mouth. i wish i could take my brain out so i could just keep licking my lollipop"

i don't know why that is funny. i just want to enjoy my freakin' lollipop!

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