Friday, April 20, 2007

my first interview, from auntie karen who i love and miss

Five questions for Donovan:

1. What do you say when your mama has finished giving
you a bath?

Thank You! GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!

2. I know you like music, do you have a favorite song
or cd?

that's hard...there are so many....mamma mia...shakira....old skool rap....but i will go with dog train.

3. You seem to really like trains. Do you have a
favorite train?

usually it's thomas, but sometimes the caboose.

4. Why is that your favorite train?

because he's bleeeue and my fray-end and he goes "chugga-chugga cheeeooo cheeeooo"

5. It’s pretty early to decide but what do you think
you might like to do when you grow up?

i want to be a nurse and give people shots and make them feel better. a doctor nurse.

Follow your answers with the sentences below:

If you want to be interviewed by me, please leave me a
comment or send an email saying: "Interview me." (or
the like).

* I will respond by asking you five questions. I
get to pick the questions.
* You will update your weblog with the answers to
the questions.
* You will include this explanation and an offer
to interview someone else in the same post.
* Then others comment asking to be interviewed,
you will ask them five questions and so on.


Jodi said...

Little boys sure do love that Thomas the Train. I'd love to be interviewed by you, Donovan. Your mama has my email address!

Anonymous said...

Hello Little Buddy,

Can I be interviewed by you? I hope you all are doing good!!! We miss you!