Saturday, April 21, 2007

lorri rocks!

today was a great day! first i went to the roller skating rink to a birthday party and that was so cool! i got right in the skates and i wasn't afraid. i fell a few times but i got up all by myself with no help. i can't wait to do it again. i am very good at it. they even played an abba song, and you know how i love the abba. mommy didn't know they still had skating rinks

then, i decided not to take a nap today so that added a bit more fun to my day (i am starting to reconsider this whole 'nap' thing). we didn't go to the neighborhood pig pickin' today.

and THEN mommy and dad took me to a big people party down the street. we got to yell "surprise" which was fun. there were 2 dogs in there, and i didn't like that very much, but it was a fun party. there were some boys there that i played with. one of the boys, a big boy, a 5 year old said "he's looks like a baby but he talks. he's a talking baby" and then he let me play with him. i know i am articulate for my age, and somewhat precocious, but i still like to tackle. and kick the soccer ball. lorri, one of my neighbors said she would "sugar me up" with m&m's any time i wanted to come over and then send me home. then she tought me how to say "lorri rocks" before we left. i like mrs. lorri. and i think it was kind of her to offer me m&ms.

i am very very exhausted now. i asked my mom what would happen if i drank a cold beer (i don't know why she thought that was funny). she said i would get sick and she would get in trouble.

i did have a bit of a melt down yesterday. it was my first category 5 in public. i threw a train in the book store and then hit mom, so mom picked my naughty self right up and carried my ass right outa there. it was quite a scene getting me out of there. this is what mommy doesn't understand: i wanted to stay in the book store (they have a really nice thomas set in the kid's section). if she just put me down and let me play, i wouldn't have wiggled and screeched like i did. i wouldn't even let her put me in my car seat. i was soo soo sooo mad. i begged her to let me go back into the bookstore, i promised i would behave. i screeched and jumped around the back seat of the car and mom just sat there NOT taking me back in to the store. i coudn't believe it. i kept saying i would behave and she kept saying "i know you will, honey, the next time we come" but i meant i would behave NOW. i am not sure i have ever been so mad at that woman. finally i calmed down and got in my seat and we went home.

well, she made up for it today. today was a great day.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Roller skating is fun! We were going to do it as a group from work, but I'm too scared now! I'm glad you had a good day. And remember, you will get far angrier with your Mom in the years to come, but all of the restrictions she gives you are because she loves you and wants you to be a good citizen.