Tuesday, January 03, 2006

ooooooh i love you vacuuuuuuum

i guess the problem when one hasn't posted in a while is the question of content. do i try to think of everything of interest that has happened since i posted last...potentially making this a waaay too long post, boring just by it's length. or do i skip the past and just get to the recent stuff. i don't know. we will see how it comes out.

i have realized that most of my favorite things start with the letter "b" in a later post i will see how many i can come up with. ball, broccoli, boobs, of course, books, going bye-bye, well, later, right?

well, mommy was worried that i wouldn't know daddy when he came home because 2 monthds is a long time for my short life. well, i will admit it took me a good minute to figure things out, but i DID just wake up when she brought me to him. but then, it dawned on me and it was "it's DADA" all weekend. we had a great week together. i just kept going back and forth to mommma and dada and i was just so excited all week.

i got a lot of toys for christmas. too many, momma said. i got some big lego's and wooden blocks and the bead roller coater they have at the doctor;s office and a ball....and some clothes.....(i do like clothes)...and some books.....and some magnetic fridge toys. uncle dave and aunt dan gave me a baby leap pad and a hokey pokey ernie. my favorite gifts are the hokey pokey ernie and....the gift i didn't even mention because it deserves to be by itself. the greatest gift a kid could ever get. i play with it all day, every day...yes, a over week after christmas and it is still the best thing i will ever own in my life....are you ready for this!!!!!! a HOOVER WINDTUNNEL VACUUM JUST RIGHT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh man, i can't even believe i got my very own vacuum! mom put batteries in it, so it makes a vacuum sound (not as loud as hers) and even a little light goes on. i will post a picture of me vacuuming soon. i can vauum all day long. today i even vauumed outside. i got some other cool gifts, from mom and dad and other people, but all i can think about right now is my vacuum..........

we got our family portrait done. i wouldn't sit still, because there was a lot of cool stuff to see and mom got all sweaty chasing after me. i thought it was great fun, but there aren't many pictures of me sitting sweetly and smiling cherubicly. hoooo hoooo hooooo hahahahahahahahahaha

i can say bubbles and (because they come with my vacuum) attachments. because i am too busy to finish most words, attachments comes out like "atTAH" but i know what i mean. i can sort of say "on" and "off" and "up" and "down". if you don't hear it in context, you might not know what i am saying, but fortunately, momma understands me. today i started saying "na-na" standing by the door. like today i said "bye-bye, na-na" and mom thinks i mean i want to go outside. she thinks "na'na" is outside. is she right? we'll see. i will let her sweat it out a little. i was very impressed when she figured out the when i clap my hands and go "bah-bah-bah-bah" that means i want her to sing"i'm bringing home my baby bumblebee" i mean, it is pretty obvious, but it did take her a little while to figure it out.

today i threw mom a curve ball and slept till 6:45 am. that is a big switch from my usual 5am!!!!! i don't think i will do that again for a while. gotta keep that woman on her toes. well, i feel like there is so much more to write, but anything else i might have to say will just pale with the thought of me with my very own hoover.......


ren said...

i'm glad you had fun with your dada at christmas. but do you think you could come to my house and vacuum. i hate vacuuming!

Jodi said...

Yes, I'm glad you had fun at Christmas too, Donovan! I agree with Ren, come back here and vacuum for us! We tend to injure ourselves when cleaning, so we stopped doing it as often.