Monday, January 23, 2006

go seahawks

well, i was very excited to go to school this morning. right after breakfast i went to the door and was like "bye bye? bye bye?" and when mom said "if you want to go to school we have to get dressed first" so i ran quickly up the stairs, before mom could even get to me, because i am not really allowed to climb the stairs by byself. but, well, if mom used the BABY GATE like a good mother, i guess i wouldn't have been able to get to the stairs. i went to school wearing my shiny seahawks sweat suit santa got me, because the seahawks won the game last night and are going to the superbowl.

so we got to school an hour early and mom kept hanging around and saying "mommy's leaving now! say bye bye! mommy's going bye bye" i kept waving and telling her bye, but she wouldn't leave---she just kept saying "i'm going-- don't you want to give me a hug?" it was like she wanted me to cry or something. she is such a freak, man.

she is the only mom in the whole park who lets me climb UP the slide. one big boy came up to me and said "hey--slides are for sliding down, not going up" and mommy said to him that i was just a baby and didn't know that. i guess if the other mommy's put down their starbucks cups for a minute and went to the slide with their kids, then maybe it wouldn't be so bad for them to go up it. i am going to try to post a picture if i can remember how to do it......

1 comment:

ren said...

see, your mama is COOL (not lazy).