Monday, November 14, 2005

on the upswing?

well, here i am at day care again after my mother abaondoned me all weekend. does she think that just because i got to stay home while she left me that it makes it okay for her to just drop me off like dry cleaning today? "okay! see ya! i will pick you up around 3!" like i was a suit that needed to be cleaned. i wonder what a suit is....

just because my teachers told mom that i had a rough day friday and that they think it would be better for me if i came--even for a couple hours--every monday wednesday and friday. of course i thought mom would say "no thanks, i am away from him for so long all weekend, i don't think i can bear to be away from him on my days off" that is what she SHOULD have said. if she LOVED me. if she was a GOOD MOM, that is what she would have said. but no. oh no--you know what she said? "i think that is a good idea. i will bring him in just for a few hours on monday and wednesdays." and a few other things about me being around other kids and getting things done around the house and she might have thrown something in there about missing me and it is hard to leave me, but i think that was probably my imagination.

well, things have been busy here since me and mom got over our bird flus. my gramma and pa pop shea came over last weekend and stayed with me while mom worked. i really like them and we had a pretty good time. they did things a lot like mom does. except the boob thing. then, mommy had to fire nicole. she was so nervous, but she did it. i liked that nicole. fortunately, mom told her she would like her to babysit for me sometimes, like in the evening every so often (jeez--making plans to leave me some MORE?), but that she didn't think it was fair to her to put so much pressure on her to be here every single weekend when she has fun things she wants to do. nicole's mother returned my car seat and key. mom thought nicole's mom was going to beat her up or something for firing her, but it turns out she was very sweet and said nicole understood.

then we had other visitors. my mommy's dad--the other pa-pop (we call them that because i can say it) and his wife. they were here for 3 days.

then mommy went back to work again. now i have a new babysitter named tiffiani. her husband is going to be a nurse like my mommy. i don't know how he can nurse because i don't think he has boobies, but what do i know, i am only one. she picked me up from school friday. me with my cough and my copious boogers and my teething pain and fussiness. did i mention that even thhough i have slept thru the night, almost every night since i was 5 months old, that this past week i haven't slept thru the night even once! no one is very happy about that. anyways...nicole was here saturday all day, and i wasn't happy about itl my teeth hurts, i hate my cough, i don't know who this chick is, my nose is running, i want my mom. i even kept going to the door calling her..."mama mama mama" but she didn't come back till after my story at night. well, she came back again sunday that tiffani. all i could do is throw up my hands and accept it, so i made the best of it and me and her had a grand old time. we went to her friends house and they had a big dog and i was very gentle when i pet him, so i didn't get bit. he was a very big dog and i liked him. i think this tiffani lady is going to be fun....but i have to get to know her a little bit better first. mommy seems to like her very much. well, golly, i have so much more on my mind, but i think i see my thanks for reading and well, that's it. i don'tknow how to end these things.


Jodi said...

Copious is a big word for a 1-year-old. I'm very impressed, Donovan.

I got an email from your Daddy. I'm hoping to see him while he's here, but he's so darn "busy with work and The Shack" that it just might not work out. We'll see.

Glad things are getting better for you and you Mommy.

Conor said...

Hi D!

Wow! Lots of stuff going on! Did you "accidently" pee on your other pa-pop? My mommy's email server is down, and she is very mad. So I told her I would tell you to tell your mommy. Miss ya dude!

ren said...

donvan, mama can't hear you, go to the door and YELL LOUDER!!!