Monday, November 21, 2005

david, are you stinky?

this morning there was a big big big rain outside. i know i have seen rain before, but now that i am older, i kind of feel like i am noticing it for the first time. i really wanted to go outside in it. so, my mom, being the bad mom we all know she is--i mean, why is she listening to a one year old??--said "okay, go out in the rain!" i just think that maybe as a grown up, she should maybe think that i might not know what is best for me. but, she put my big boy shoes on and her shoes on and we went outside in the rain. she let me run around. there were puddles and i RAN thru them (i RAN! i don't know how to run!) i stomped in the puddles and i put my hand in one of them. i tried to eat a wet leaf several times, but apparently even mom has her limits. i laughed and clapped my hands, and yes, i kid you not, i spun in a circle with my arms outstretched. i loved being out in the rain.

it was all a big tease because just when i was getting good and wet, mom said that was enough and we had to go inside. she had to chase me, pick me up and carry me in tho because i didn't want to go in. i didn't cry about it, but still, i didn't want to go in!!!!!!!

then i watched mommy take a shower and we spent a little time together and then she brought me (didn't i tell you she would do this?) to school again. i don't think the teachers at school will let me play outside in the rain because let's face it--they work with kids all the time and probably know that you shouldn't let babies run around in the rain (especially when they have runny noses) just because they point and grunt at a door.

mommy is excited because my school pictures are coming in today. we are going to make pictures of turkeys by putting paint on our hands today. that should be very fun. my school has books by my favorite author. i have this new book called "david smells"---you should really read it and they have some other "david" books in my class. but there is this part in "david smells"---maybe i shouldn't tell you because i don't want to ruin the book for you, but on this one page the baby is in his bouncy seat and it says "david, are you stinky" oh my god, i just laugh and laugh at that part EVERY TIME! even though i KNOW what the mom is going to say at that part, damn it gets me EVERY TIME! david, are you stinky. HA! i love it. but the whole book is just brilliant. the writing, the artwork, i might ask santa for The Complete Works of David Shannon.

please don't call CPS on my mom. i am sure she won't do it again. you have to understand, she doesn't know what to do with big boys because she never had one before. so don't tell, okay? i really liked the rain, anyways.....


Conor said...

Hey D!

Running in the rain sounds like fun. I thought you were asking your uncle David if he was stinky at first! Mommy is a liberrian as you know and she says David Shannon books are awesome. She likes "No, no, David!"

Anonymous said...

hey d. i am glad you like that book. i know you already had the other one i gave you so i guess i will have to find you something else fun. and don't tell your mom, but i like to run around in the rain too, but i TAKE MY SHOES OFF!! try it sometime!