Tuesday, August 19, 2008

one last exciting thing

so over the weekend i say ti mom something like "i wanted to get out the boogers so i put the green from the tomato in my nose and now i can't breathe at all" apparently mommy thought i could breathe okay, because she didn't panic. couldn't see the tomato stem with the naked eye tho---oh no--i put it waaaaay waaay up there. lucky for me mommy has an otoscope and she looked up my nose and found it. while calling the vitaline nurse and waiting for her to call back, mommy went to the store to get big tweezers. well, when i found out what she planned on doing with those tweezers, i found a way to snot-rocket that tomato stem right out my nose. no everything is jut fine.

1 comment:

ren said...

ew! donovan, that's gross!