Monday, August 07, 2006

aah fantasies

mommy is worried about me. she said she needs to find a book about people my age, because she doesn't know what to make of me. am i crazy (a distinct possibility considering my parents) a genius (also a possibility) or just a drama queen (not sure where that would come from)

now, mommy is always worried about me so i can't worry about mommy's wory of the moment. i have bveen complaining of a lot of specific boo boos lately. today in the bath i said i had a tummy ache. see, mom hasn't taught me that word and i don't hear her using it to describe herself, so she's all freaking out about do i really have a tummy ache and made me show her where i thought my ache was (um, i pointed to my tummy). then she started bitchin about not drinking the bath water because that won't help the tummy ache. but it did, mom. it helped. it was exactly what i needed. you drink tea sometimes. my infusion was warm steeped lavender soap with pee pee essence. i love it, it's my favorite. that is why i am always sucking the washclothes.

then there was a block on thr floor and mommy asked me to put it away and there was an "H" on the side facing up, so i said "aych" and mama was like "huh!!!!" say that again, what is thaT? who told you that ? oooooh. i remembered the "H" i didn't know any other letters she flung at me after saying one right. she is so freaking weird. she got all weird when the timer when off on the microwave and i said "ok to open microwave" and she was like "hey, i never taught you that word! you are a genius! "oh and on and on she went. ahe ahould be smart enought to know that i LISTEN to everything. i spit things back that i remember when appropriate. now, i might be a genius indeed. however, i just don't think these little tricks qualify.
mamma repeated the trick she did several days ago: packing lots of food and dressing me in comfy day clothes to put me to bed. well, here we go again. only this time i know what's up. she is going to take me fully dfressed, befoere i wake up into the cvar and bring me to school where i get to spend 12 hours and 15 minutes there. then my teacher, ms. megan (mmmmmmmmmmm ms. megan.)

oh sorry. i was just thinking about ms megan and forgot myself. anyways, i bring ms. megan back to my place after school and we have a little dinner, a little whine, nice bubble bath.....then it's off to bed. oh yeah. i mean, after i put away my books and brush my teeth. shut up. i am NOT too young to think like that. she rocks me to sleep and then i see her again the next day. hopefully momomy comes home before i am asleep.


Kellie said...

I love reading your blog! It's so original and leaves me giggling. I have a 2 year old so I can just imagine the thoughts running through his mind!

I hope you're having a fantastic day!


Conor said...

Mommy got her copy of Toddler 411 yesterday. She says that you need to tell Auntie Steph to get one. Mommy started reading it and forgot to do laundry last night. By the way, Playdoh is delicious especially since Mommy says not to eat it. How fun--until you choke on it and then you have to run to Mommy to make it better.

Anonymous said...

Hey Donovan,

I am jealous that you are with another woman!!!! Why did we move??? See you in a few days!!