Saturday, April 22, 2006

me talks good

mommy says i am in my "terrible two's". i don't know what that means, but i will say that mom and dad have been annoying me a lot lately, and let me just say---i am not afraid to tell them about it. oooooooh, they are so much bigger than me. who cares, man. they can't push ME around. i am a big boy, i am independent, i know what i want and i am not afraid to ask for--nay--DEMAND it! i am not a little baby any more and i just wish they could get it thru their heads. if that what it means to be in the terrible two's then just call me T2. hey, i just thought of that. maybe that could be my street name. (you can't believe how big i am--i need a street name) T2. yeah, i kind of like that.

we are moving into a new house.

i can talk real good. (not so much in the grammar, but real good nonetheless). i know, and can point to on command my: hair, head, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, mouth, teeth tongue, elbow, hands, tummy, butt, penis, legs, feet, toes.

i am obsessed with trucks. all trucks, but especially dump trucks. i also like mom's shoes and figured out how to stick my finger up my nose.

i ask to touch every thing "touch bird?" "touch truck?" "touch tree?"

i know zebra, kitty cat, doggy, monkey, lion, bug, butterfly and lizard.

i love ariplanes.

i am trying to reach tiffani, so i will write more later.

1 comment:

Conor said...

Hi D-

Wow, you can say and do a lot. I am going to try to keep up with you. I hope that Mommy and I can visit you some time soon. I know our moms need that "sitting around the kitchen table drinking coffee" time. (although I think they will probably substitute wine for the coffee)
