Monday, April 24, 2006

i am THAT kid

you know, the kid who just sits there observing everything with his finger so far up his nose, like his brain has an itch. yup that is me. the first couple times i did it, mom laughed, but for some reason, she doesn't think it is funny any more. i can't understand these people. funny one day. not funny the next day. there's consistency for ya.

went to the pool today. not too sure about the water. went to the beach the other day. no WAY was i going in THAT water. i got used to the water in the pool (at our new house---we don't have a pool in our yard, but there is a big club house with a cool pool in it). mommy and daddy each took one of my hands and pulled me across the pool. and i went "WWoooooooah!" i even said "mamma dadda, 'wwhooooah' water" to tell them i wanted to do it.

i can say a whole bunch of things i didn't even tell you yet, and i am not going to right now either. and you can't make me. nnnnnyah.


Anonymous said...

Hey Donovan,

I have proof of you with your finger up your nose...I am going to get it printed and give it your mom. Ha-Ha!!!

ren said...

oh dear. i ARE that kid.

Jodi said...

Hey there! I'm so glad to see you're updating your site again, cutie pie!