Thursday, October 30, 2008

NO Titan Cement in Wilmington NC

so, i went to my first Protest. it was fun. a bunch of people holding signs. cars honking their horns at us. i got tired of holding the sign after a while and there were some boys there my size and we played spiderman, except one boy said i wasn't the real spiderman, even though i am and he said i could be black spiderman, but i can't be black spiderman because i am the real spiderman, but we had fun anyways. never learned their names....
hopefully, we can help keep away the cement factory they want to build here. mommy was very upset over the pink cement truck with the big pink ribbon on it, but i don't know why.

i AM the real spiderman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Donovan, I had cheese grits yesterday morning and thought of you. You are so loved. I just wanted to tell you.