Friday, July 13, 2007

no clever title

i forgot to write comments on my pictures. do you notice how mom is sitting back and letting me, her small child, do all the work? it's a good thing i have my sippy cup on a bungee in front of me. hey guess what! mom decided to keep me home from school today. daddy is in raleigh working, so i have to be at school from very early to very late, because mommy has to go to work. it is very horrible and i think i have bad parents. so, since mommy feels bad about it, she decided to keep me home from school today to hang out with her.
and guess what.
i woke up with a sore throat and we went to the doctor and they said i have strep throat and i have medicine that tasted good and now i feel better but mommy said i can't go to the beach with jackson tomorrow because i might give him my throat but i don't think that is true because i don't share very well, i would keep it to myself and my daddy is coming home today after the sun goes down so i will wack golf balls with daddy and not go to the beach because i feel better and can eat popsicles. AND i went peepee in the potty and kept my pullups dry so i got to get m&ms. i'm 2 and ozzy rules.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe how fast he is growing up! He had a haircut! Steph, he is beautiful.