Sunday, June 04, 2006

an open letter to ms. jodi

it is true, ms. jodi (we southerners call lady adults "miss" if we are permitted to use her first name) that i haven't written in a while. you see, i am a toddler. i started this blog when i was a baby. and, you see, when i was a baby, i was kind of dumb. let's face it, babies are kind of dumb. i wasn't DOING a lot of things, so i had time to write more. now that i am a toddler, which is latin for "short adult", i think, i am very smart and busy. i have bikes to ride, fits to have, cats to scare.....i go bye bye a lot.....of course, what toddler life is complete without reading and playing with a truck? i read a lot. often i read the same book over and over and over and over and over again. only because mamma and dada like to. i have this doggy book i really like (dada calls it 101 dalmations but i call it doggy book) and we will read it. then, when it is done, i hand it to him and say "more doggy book". i usually have to cry a little too. what i am trying to say to him is, "dad, i like this book, i would like you to put this book away and go buy me another book about dogs" but as we know, dada isn't very smart, so all he does is just read the book to me again. by then i just give up, sit there and listen to the same story AGAIN because he seems to want to, but, those grown-ups never understand what i mean. maybe you could help them understand me better since mamma says you work with kids. i'd appreciate that.

i really would like to make a better effort at writing in the blog more often. brilliant and amusing things are NOT being documented. mamma even says often, when i say or do something particularly clever (or naughty) that it should get in the blog, but then i just don't get around to it. altho, 9 times out of 10, every time i try to get near the computer they make me not touch it anyways. even this morning, i said soemthing that make mamma and dada crack up and dada said "oh, that is going inthe blog!" and i'll be damned if i can remember----oh wait, oh jeez....i just remembered what it wasn't that funny. some reference was made during my breakfast of grits and eggs about me being a southern boy (helLO---i'm from caliFORNIA!) and mamma said "can you say y'all?" so i said "y'all" big freaking deal. i say meatball, pine cone, and complete sentences with verbs in them. "y'all" isn't that hard for me. i don't see what the fuss was about. they are weird those 2.

talk about easy words....i am learning the concept of "mine"--as well as the word. i don't use that beautiful word to it's fullest capacity yet, altho, with time, i know i will maximize it, but sometimes it flows from my genius lips. last time, it was when i wanted something off mom's plate. mom always has better food than me.

well, my deart ms. jodi.....don't delete me. i will try to post more often. you really ARE missing a lot by me not getting my autobiography down, as it happens, so i am grateful for the reminder. until we meet again, mon petit chou......

1 comment:

Jodi said...

You are indeed allowed to use my first name and (if you don't tell your mom and dad) forgo the "miss" for all I care.

I won't delete you. I understand you are a busy boy and have a life. I think your life should include a vast array of doggy books too!